Stiga Trimmer SH 54 User Manual

SH 54  
llustration och förklaring av piktogramen  
Symbolien selitykset  
Illustrasjon og forklaring av symboler  
Piktogramillustration og forklaring  
Afbeelding en toelichting van de pictogrammen Abbildung und Erklärung der Piktogramme  
Pictogram illustration and explanation  
IIlustracja i objaśnienia piktogramów.  
Illustrazione e spiegazione dei simboli  
Représentation et explication des pictogrammes  
Vyobrazení a vysvětlivky k typovému štitku  
Bruk alltid øye- og hørselsvern!  
Bär alltid ögon- och hörselskydd!  
Läs bruksanvisningen före användning!  
Använd inte detta eldrivna redskap i fuktig väderlek!  
Les bruksanvisningen før bruk!  
Ikke bruk dette elektriske redskapet i fuktig vær!  
Trekk øyeblikkelig støpselet ut hvis ledningen er skadet!  
Ta genast bort kontakten om sladden skadas eller går av!  
Käytä alna allmä- ja kuulosuojajmia!  
Brug altid beskyttelsesbriller og høreværn !  
Læs instruktionerne, inden maskinen tages i brug!  
Brug ikke dette elektriske apparat i fugtigt vejr!  
Tag stikket ud, hvis ledningen bliver beskadiget  
eller klippet over!  
Lue käyttöohjeet ennen käyttöä!  
Älä käytä tätä sähkökäyttösistä työvälinettä märällä  
Irrota pistoke välittömästi, jos verkkojohto on  
vauriotunut tai katkennut!  
Gehoor- en oogbeveiliging dragen!  
Leest U de gebruiksaanwijzing, a.u.b.  
Dit elektrowerktuig niet aan de regen onderwerpen!  
Bij beschadiging of doorsnijden van de aan  
sluitingsleiding dadelijk de stekker uittrekken!  
Augen- und Gehörschutz tragen!  
Gebrauchsanweisung lesen!  
Dieses Elektrowerkzeug nicht dem Regen aussetzen  
Bei Beschädigung oder Durchschneiden der  
Anschlussleitung sofort Stecker ziehen!  
Wear eye and ear protection!  
Read the instruction manual !  
Do not use tool in under wet weather conditions!  
Unplug immediately if the power cord or plug be-  
comes damaged !  
Porter des protections des yeux et des oreilles!  
Lisez l’instruction de service!  
Ne pas laisser cet outil électrique sous la pluie!  
En cas de détérioration ou section du câble retirer  
immédiatement la prise!  
Používejte ochranu zraku a sluchu!  
Čtěte návod k pouzitíu !  
Nepoužívejte zařízení ve vihku!  
Okamžitě odpojte zařízení od sítě v případě, že je  
přívodní kable poškozen nebo přerušen!  
Nosić ochronniki słuchu i okulary ochronne.  
Przed użyciem przeczytać instrukcję obsługi.  
Nie dopuszczać do kontaktu z wilgocią.  
Odlączyć z sieci jeśli przewód polączoniowy jest  
uszkodzony lub przecięty  
Portare dispositivos per proteggere l’udito e gli cchi!  
Leggere le istruzioni sull’uso!  
Non esporre questo utensile elettrico alla pioggia!  
In caso di danneggiamento o taglio del cordone di  
allacciamento, tirare immediatamente la spina!  
Hedge Trimmer  
1. Introducing the Hedgetrimmer  
Technical data  
SH 54  
Operating voltage  
Nominal frequency  
Nominal consumption  
Cutting movements  
Cutting length  
Cutting thickness  
Weight (without flex)  
Noise pressure level:  
87 dB (A) according to EN 50144-1  
2,4 m/s2 according to EN 50144-1  
Class of protection: II / DIN EN 50144/VDE  
2. General safety instructions  
correct handling, the preparations, the maintenance  
and the proper use of the hedgetrimmer. Familiarize  
yourself with the machine before the first use and  
also have yourself introduced to practical use of the  
Machine noise information regulation 3, GSGV: the noise  
pressure level at the place of work can exceed 85 dB(A).  
In such cases the operator will require noise protection  
(e.g. wearing of ear protectors).  
Attention: Noise protection ! Please observe the  
local regulations when operating your device.  
Interference suppressed in accordance with EN  
55014, EN 61000-3-2:95, EN 61000-3-3:95 .  
We reserve the right to make changes to the technical  
3. Application  
The machine is only intended for trimming hedges.  
Use for any other purpose constitutes inappropriate  
use. The manufacturer / supplier is not liable for any  
injury and/or damage arising from inappropriate  
use. This risk is the sole responsibility of the user.  
Appropriate use of the machine also includes adher-  
ence to the operating instructions and compliance  
with the servicing and maintenance instructions.  
The hedge trimmers are constructed in line with the latest  
regulations in accordance with DIN-EN 50144-1and DIN-  
EN 50144-2-15 and conform fully to equipment safety  
law regulations.  
Always keep the operating instructions close at hand  
during operation!  
General safety instruction  
Usage of hedge trimmer always involves a risk  
of accidents, therefore please observe the relevant  
accident prevention instructions.  
4. Safety instructions  
1. Keep your working area tidy. Disorder at your  
working area may lead to accidents.  
The machine has been constructed according to the  
latest technology and in accordance with the  
recognised technical safety regulations. Never-  
theless, use of the machine can involve risks to the  
user or third persons, and can cause damage to the  
machine or other objects.  
2. Please consider environmental influences. Do not  
expose power tools to rain. Do not use power  
tools in wet or moist surroundings. Ensure that  
there is good lighting. Do not use power tools  
near inflammable fluids or gases.  
3. Keep children away. Do not allow other persons  
to touch the power tool or cable. Keep other per-  
sons out of your working area.  
4. Keep your power tools in a safe place. Power tools  
that are currently not in use should be stored in  
a dry place where they are out of reach of children  
(high on a shelf or in a locked place).  
5. Do not overtax your power tools. They work better  
and safer if used within the stated performance  
Attention: Using electric power tools, you must  
observe following fundamental safety instructions to  
protect yourself against electric shock, against dan-  
ger of injuries and danger of fire. Read all these  
instructions before using the hedge trimmer and  
observe them. Keep these safety instructions at a  
safe place.  
Use the machine in a safety conscious manner for  
suitable applications in a technically per-fect condi-  
tion only and with due regard to the operating  
instructions! Immediately rectify or have rectified  
any faults which could adversely affect safety!  
6. Always disconnect the plug from the mains socket  
before carrying out any work on the equipment,  
before cleaning and before moving the equipment.  
7. The use of hedge trimmers involves certain risks.  
This machine may cause serious injuries. Please  
read the instruction manual carefully as to the  
Attention: Danger! Rotating machinery.  
8. The hedge trimmer should always be held with  
both hands.  
23. When using the equipment, hold it securely with  
both hands, stand firmly and ensure that you have  
sufficient working space. There should be no  
people, animals or objects within the working  
area. Select the cutting height so that the blade  
does not make contact with the ground and you  
can operate the equipment from a secure position.  
24. Take care when transporting the equipment (only  
with blade cover!).  
9. Before using the equipment clear the working  
area of any foreign objects and be aware of  
foreign objects during operation of the machine!  
If the machine becomes jammed e.g. by thick  
branches, switch off and disconnect the machine  
from the mains socket before investigating and  
rectifying the cause of the jam. Take special care  
when switching the machine on again.  
25. For initial use of the hedge trimmer we would  
recommend that in addition to reading the oper-  
10. Check the flex and all connections for any visible  
faults before using the machine (plug discon-  
nected). Do not use a faulty flex.  
11. Keep the flex away from the cutting area.  
12. Do not use the trimmer in wet weather and do  
not use it to cut wet hedges.Do not wash down  
the device with water. Do not use any high-  
pressure cleaning devices or steam jet devices  
for cleaning.  
13. Carry the trimmer by the handles provided and  
keep hands away from the cutting blades.  
14. In line with agricultural Trade Association Regu-  
lations only persons over the age of 17 may work  
on their own with electric hedge trimmers. Use  
is permitted for persons over 16 years if the work  
is carried out under the supervision of adults.  
15. We would recommend that safety clothing is  
worn during the work and that eyes, ears, hair,  
hands and feet are fully protected. Protective  
gloves should also be worn.  
ating instructions, you also seek  
demonstration from an expert.  
26. Always ensure that all protective devices and  
handles are properly fitted.  
27. Never try to use an incomplete tool or a tool that has  
been modified in a way that has not been approved.  
28. Do not allow children to use a power tool.  
29. The use of the hedge trimmer is to be avoided if  
other persons, above all children, are within the  
working area.  
30. Familiarize yourself with the working area and pay  
attention to possible dangers which you might not  
be able to hear due to the noise of the machine.  
31. Always pay attention. Take care of what you do.  
Do your work sensibly. Do not use a power tool  
if you cannot concentrate.  
32. ATTENTION ! Only use the accessories or attach-  
ments shown in the Operating Instructions. The  
use of other add-on tools and accessories may  
set up the risk of injury for you.  
16. Ensure that the motor of your hedge shears can  
not be switched on by mistake when you put it down  
after work or when you are going to clean the  
device. Never forget to unplug the mains supply!  
17. Check the cutting unit regularly for damage and  
if damage is discovered, the cutting unit should  
be properly repaired.  
33. Have your power tools repaired by an appro-  
priately qualified electrician only. This power tool  
complies with the applicable safety regulations.  
Repairs must only be carried out by qualified  
electricians using original spare parts; otherwise,  
accidents may occur to the user.  
18. Be aware of your responsibility as user towards  
third parties in the working area.  
5. Before use  
Safety Guard (Fig. 2)  
19. The trimmer must be properly checked and  
serviced. If the blades get damaged they should  
only be exchanged in pairs. In the event of damage  
from impact, specialist’s inspection is essential.  
20. Only use extension cords that are approved for  
outdoor use and that are not lighter than rubber  
tube cords type H07 RN-F according to DIN/VDE  
0282 with a diameter of at least 1.5 mm2. They  
must be water spray protected. Damaged cables  
of this unit are only to be replaced by a service  
station designated by the manufacturer as spe-  
cial tools are necessary. Equipment which will  
be used in different outside locations should be  
connected via residual current - operated cur-  
rent breakers.  
Push the supplied hand guard (3) over the blades and fix  
securely with each 2 screws on both sides of the housing  
according to fig. 2. The safety shield prevents touching  
the blades during operation. Hold tool with both hands!  
Power connection  
The machine can only be connected to a single-phase a.c.  
current connection. The machine is protectively insulated in  
accordance with classification II of VDE 0740. Before using  
the machine ensure that the mains current agrees with the  
operating voltage data on the machine’s identification plate.  
Power Circuit Breaker  
Machines which will be used in different outside loca-  
tions must be connected to a Power Circuit Breaker.  
Securing the extension lead (Fig. 3)  
21. Do not use the cable for purposes it has not been  
designed for. Never carry a power tool at its cable.  
Do not pull out the plug from the socket using  
the cable. Protect the cable from heat, oil and  
sharp edges.  
Only use extension leads suitable for outside use. The cross  
section of the wire (max. length of extension cord: 75m)  
must be at least 1,5 mm². Secure the connection between  
the device’s power cord and the extension cable by leading  
the extension cable through the strain relief in the housing  
(Fig. 3).  
22. Ensure that the equipment is stored safely after  
use in such a way that the blade cannot be touched.  
Extension leads longer than 30 m will reduce the perfor-  
mance of the machine.  
If you find out that safety functions, such as the  
2-switch mechanism or the safety stop, are not  
functioning while working with the hedge shears,  
immediately cease working and take the machine  
to a specialised shop for repairing.  
6. Instructions for use of the equipment  
Do not use the trimmer in rain or for cutting wet hedges!  
Check the hedge trimmer flex and its connections  
before each and every use for visible signs of damage  
(disconnect the power plug)! Do not use a faulty flex.  
Two-hand safety switch (Fig. 4)  
To switch on and to run the hedge trimmer you need both  
hands: The switching bar in the rear handle as well as the  
switch in the front handle must be de-pressed. As soon  
as one of the switches is released, the trimmer blades will  
stop immediately.  
Protective gloves must be worn when using the hedge  
Quick blade stop  
In order to avoid injuries through cuts, the blade will stop in  
max. 0.5 sec. when one of the two switches is released.  
7. Switching on/off  
The hedge trimmer is switched on by concurrently pushing  
the rear switch lever and the shackle-type switch at the  
front handle (Fig. 4). To switch the device off let go of  
the two switches.  
Blade safety rail (Fig. 7)  
The cutting blade set back from the blade housing  
reduces the risk of injuries due to unintentional body  
contact. As soon as the hedge trimmer is switched off,  
the sharp cutting blades will stop immediately.  
8. Maintenance  
Impact protector (Fig. 1)  
Always disconnect the plug from the power socket  
before commencing any work on the machine.  
The extended guide rail prevents unpleasant shocks  
(blade recoil) being transmitted to the operator due to  
impact with solid objects (wall, ground etc.).  
Important: Always clean and oil the blades after prolonged  
use of the hedge trimmer. This will greatly affect the life of  
the equipment. Damaged cutting units must be properly  
repaired immediately.  
Oiling of the blades should ideally be carried out using  
an environmentally friendly lubricant (Fig. 5).  
Gear protection feature  
If solid objects are caught in the cutting blade and jam the  
motor, switch off the machine at once, disconnect the  
power plug from the power socket, remove the object and  
continue with the work.  
Sharpening of the blades  
The blades generally do not need servicing and do not  
require resharpening if used correctly.  
The equipment is also fitted with an overload cut-out,  
which protects the gears against mechanical damage in  
the event of blade jams.  
Changing the blades  
Only correct installation of the blades will guarantee prob-  
lem-free operation and function of the above mentioned  
safety feature of the blades. Changing of the blades should  
therefore only be carried out at a specialist workshop.  
11. Storing the trimmer after use  
The hedge shears must be stored such that there is  
no danger of injuries being caused to persons by  
the cutting blades!  
Important note: The shearing blades should be cleaned  
after each use.(see also Section 8. Maintenance).This  
will considerably increase the service life of the device.  
Please use a lubricator that is not harmful to the environ-  
ment , e. g. our service spray. Then put the shears in  
their case with the cutting blades first.  
9. Holding the hedge trimmer when in use  
(Fig. 6)  
This equipment will enable you to cut or trim bushes and  
hedges easily and comfortably.  
Trimming of hedges  
Young shoots are best cut in a scythe movement.  
Older and stronger hedges are best cut in a sawing  
Branches, which are too thick for the hedge trimmer,  
should be cut with a saw.  
12.Environmental protection  
If your hedge shears should one day have been used in  
such an intensive way that they must be replaced or if you  
do not use them any longer please do not forget about  
the protection of our environment. Electric devices,  
their accessories and packaging must not be disposed of  
over the usual household rubbish, but should be subject  
to environmentally friendly recycling processes in  
accordance with the appropriate local regulations.  
Sides of hedges should be cut upwards in a taper.  
In order to achieve an even height  
Fix a guide line at the required height.  
Cut evenly over this guide line.  
10. Optimum safety  
13. Repair service  
The 5 special features two-hand safety switch, quick  
blade stop, protective cover, blade safety rail and impact  
protector are fitted to provide the hedge trimmer with  
optimum safety features.  
Repairs to electric power tools should only be carried out by  
specialist electrical personnel.  
EC Declaration of Conformity  
according to EU Guideline of Machines 98/37/EG  
We, IKRA® GmbH, Schlesier Straße 36, D-64839 Münster / Altheim, declare under our sole responsibility that  
the hedge trimmer SH 47, SH 54 (Easycut HT 45 CH/5, HT 55 CH/6), to which this declaration relates correspond  
to the relevant basic safety and health requirements of Directives 89/336/EEC (EMV-Guideline), 73/23/EEC (Low  
Voltage Guideline), 89/37/EG (Guideline of Machines) and 2000/14/EC (noise directive). For the relevant  
implementation of the safety and health requirements mentioned in the Directives, the following standards  
and/or technical specification(s) have been respected: EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, EN 50144-1, EN 50144-2-15,  
EN 61000-3-2:1995, EN 61000-3-3: 1995, EN 774, EN 50366.  
measured acoustic capacity level  
guaranteed acoustic capacity level  
100 dB(A)  
102 dB(A)  
Conformity assessment method to annexe V / Directive 2000/14/EC  
Münster, 22.11.2004  
Gerhard Knorr, Technical Director  
Déclaration de Conformité pour la CE  
conforme à la directive CE sur les machines 98/37/EG  
Nous, ikra® GmbH, Schlesier Straße 36, D-64839 Münster / Altheim, déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité  
que les taille-haie SH 47, SH 54 (Easycut HT 45 CH/5, HT 55 CH/6), faisant l’objet de la déclaration sont conformes  
aux prescriptions fondamentales en matière de sécurité et de santé stipulées dans les Directives de la CEE 89/336/  
CEE (directive EMV) et 73/23/CEE (directive de basse tension), 98/37/EG (directive CE sur les machines) et 2000/  
14/C.E. (directives en matière de bruit). Pour mettre en pratique dans les règles de l’art les prescriptions en matière  
de sécurité et de santé stipulées dans les Directives de la CEE, il a été tenu compte des normes et/ou des  
spécifications techniques suivantes: EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, EN 50144-1, EN 50144-2-15, EN 61000-3-2:1995,  
EN 61000-3-3: 1995, EN 774, EN 50366.  
Niveau sonore mesuré  
Niveau sonore garanti  
100 dB (A)  
102 dB (A)  
Procédure d’évaluation de conformité voir annexe V / directive 2000/14/CE  
Münster, 22.11.2004  
Gerhard Knorr, Directeur technique  
Prohlášení o konformitě s ES  
v souladu se směrnicí o strojních zařízeních 98/37/EG  
My, ikra® GmbH, Schlesier Straße 36, D-64839 Münster  
Altheim, tímto prohlašujeme ve výhradní  
odpovědnosti, že produkty Plotové nůžky SH 47, SH 54 (Easycut HT 45 CH/5, HT 55 CH/6), na které se toto  
prohlášení vztahuje, odpovídají příslušným bezpečnostním a zdravotním požadavkům směrnice ES 98/37/ES  
(směrnice o strojních zařízeních ES), 89/336/EWG (směrnice o elektromagnetické slučitelnosti ), 73/23/EWG  
(směrnice o nízkonapěťových zařízeních), 2000/14/ES (směrnice o hluku) včetně změn. Při řádné aplikaci  
bezpečnostních a zdravotních požadavků, uvedených ve jmenovaných směrnicích ES, byly využity následující  
normy a / nebo technické specifikace: EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, EN 50144-1, EN 50144-2-15, EN 61000-3-2:1995,  
EN 61000-3-3: 1995, EN 774, EN 50366.  
měřená hladina akustického tlaku  
100 dB (A)  
zaručená hladina akustického tlaku 102 dB (A)  
Řízení k prohlášení o shodě podle přílohy V / směrnice 2000/14/EU  
Münster, 22.11.2004  
Gerhard Knorr, technický vedoucí  
Voor dit elektrisch apparaat geven wij onafhankelijk van de verplichtingen die de handelaar volgens de  
koopovereenkomst ten opzichte van de eindafnemer heeft, als volgt garantie:  
De garantieperiode bedraagt 24 maanden en begint bij de overdracht, welke door een originele koopbon  
bewezen moet kunnen worden. Bij commerciële toepassing alsook bij verhuur is de garantie beperkt tot 12  
maanden. Uitgezonderd van de garantie zijn de slijtbare onderdelen en de schades die ontstaan zijn door het  
gebruik van verkeerde accessoires, door reparaties met onderdelen die niet origineel bij dit apparaat horen,  
door gebruik van geweld, door slag en breuk, alsook door opzettelijke overbelasting van de motor. Inruil op  
basis van de garantie heeft enkel betrekking op de defecte onderdelen, niet op complete apparaten. Reparaties  
die met de garantie samenhangen, mogen alleen worden verricht door goedgekeurde werkplaatsen of door de  
klantenservice van de fabriek. Bij reparaties door anderen vervalt de garantie.  
Portokosten, verzendkosten en bijkomende kosten komen ten laste van de koper.  
Für dieses Elektrowerkzeug leisten wir unabhängig von den Verpflichtungen des Händlers aus dem Kauf-  
vertrag gegenüber dem Endabnehmer wie folgt Garantie:  
Die Garantiezeit beträgt 24 Monate und beginnt mit der Übergabe die durch Originalkaufbeleg  
nachzuweisen ist. Bei kommerziellem Einsatz sowie Verleih reduziert sich die Garantiezeit auf 12 Monate.  
Ausgenommen von der Garantie sind Verschleißteile und Schäden die durch Verwendung falscher  
Zubehörteile, Reparaturen mit Nichtoriginalteilen, Gewaltanwendungen, Schlag und Bruch sowie  
mutwillige Motorüberlastung entstanden sind. Garantieaustausch erstreckt sich nur auf defekte Teile,  
nicht auf komplette Geräte. Garantiereparaturen dürfen nur von autorisierten Werkstätten oder vom  
Werkskundendienst durchgeführt werden. Bei Fremdeingriff erlischt die Garantie.  
Porto, Versand- und Nachfolgekosten gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.  
For this electric tool, the company provides the end user - independently from the retailer's obligations  
resulting from the purchasing contract - with the following warranties:  
The warranty period is 24 months beginning from the hand-over of the device which has to be proved by the  
original purchasing document. For commercial use and use for rent, the warranty period is reduced to 12  
months. Wearing parts and defects caused by the use of not fitting accessories, repair with parts that are  
no original parts of the manufacturer, use of force, strokes and breaking as well as mischievous  
overloading of the motor are excluded from this warranty. Warranty replacement does only include  
defective parts, not complete devices. Warranty repair shall exclusively be carried out by authorized  
service partners or by the company's customer service. In the case of any intervention of not authorized  
personnel, the warranty will be held void.  
All postage or delivery costs as well as any other subsequent expenses will be borne by the customer.  
Conditions de garantie  
Indépendamment des obligations ressortant du contrat de vente conclu par le fournisseur avec le  
consommateur final, nous accordons pour cet appareil électrique la garantie suivante :  
La période de garantie est de 24 mois et entre en vigueur à la remise de l'outil qui sera justifiée par présentation  
du bon d'achat original. En cas d'utilisation commerciale ou de location, la période de garantie se limite à 12  
mois. Les pièces d'usure et les dommages dus à l'utilisation de pièces non conformes, à des réparations  
effectuées avec des pièces non originales, à l'exercice de la force, à des coups, une destruction ou une  
surcharge intentionnelle du moteur sont exclus de la garantie. Les échanges sous garantie ne concernent que  
les pièces défectueuses et non les appareils complets. Les réparations sous garantie ne peuvent être  
effectuées que par des ateliers autorisés ou par le service après-vente de l'usine. La garantie s'éteint en  
cas d'intervention étrangère au fournisseur agréé.  
Les frais de port, d'expédition et autres frais annexes sont à la charge du client.  

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